Koorda 21

Friday 27th to Sunday 29th August 2021
Richard & Naomi – Pajero (Trip Leader)
Stuart & Michelle – Pajero
Lee & Keely – Landcruiser
Tony & Anna – Ranger
Don & Jane – Patrol
Geoff & Sofia – Landcruiser
Greg & Rachelle – Landcruiser (visitor)
As hopefully some of you were aware, back in August, WA4WDA ran a Drive-In movie night up at Koorda. The idea was to provide a sociable event for all members of all clubs to participate in. All Tracks 4wd Club was well represented with seven vehicles attending, funny how, of the nine committee roles in the association at that time, only four committee members actually attended and two of those were from All Tracks. But that aside it was an enjoyable weekend and the feedback I’ve got from our members who were there, was that they’d do it again. At this stage I plan to run a Drive-In night as part of a longer four-day weekend club trip in August 2022, I’ve tentatively set 5th to 8th, but this is subject to change when the ladies at Koorda have advised me of screening dates for next year.
Anyway, back to this year, we had always planned to take off Friday afternoon about 3pm and camp at Lake Ninan just south of Wongan Hills,
Naomi & I, with the pups arrived there with plenty of time to set up and have a nice walk to empty bladders etc.

Lake Ninan is a quiet 72 hour max free camp and is quite picturesque once the rains have filled it. It is an easy two-hour drive from our place and saved the mad rush to get out of town on the Saturday morning. Lee & Keely had waited for Stuart & Michelle, before arriving together later that night, meanwhile we lit a nice little mozzie repelling heat source that worked a treat.

Arriving late that night, the late comers finally managed to set up camp and have some dinner. We sat around the fire, I described to them the awesome lake view that was now non-existent due to the darkness.
The next morning some were up bright and early, ready for a morning walk and enjoyed the tranquil view whilst others caught up on some well deserved sleep.

After a morning coffee and breakfast, it was time to hit the road to Koorda via Cadoux, hoping to be in town by 10ish.

Once at the Koorda Caravan Park, we set up our camps sites, which were prebooked/paid for through the shire’s website. https://www.koorda.wa.gov.au/visit/where-to-stay/accommodation.aspx

The shire has recently spent a lot of money doing up their caravan park, and I highly recommend it if you are looking for somewhere to base yourself. Not long after we were set up Don, Jane, Tony and Anna arrived. As the sites are so huge, we had all five camp set ups in the one corner on three sites. After lazing around a bit, it was time to go for a walk and checkout the local attractions. Apparently, the local community garden was a hit, and all enjoyed playing games.

After the excitement of town, we returned to the caravan park for afternoon tea/dinner. Some of us were self-catering and some had booked to go to the Pub for their meal.
As I had offered to help set up banners etc. We got down to the drive in quite early, greeting association members as they arrived.

With the sun dipping below the horizon it was almost time for the movies to start. Movies for the night was “Rams” and “American Graffiti”

The next morning was a slow start with the dogs protecting the car whilst some were trying to get some extra sleep.

Some “idiot” had the idea it would be fun to offer to cook everyone breakfast on the Sunday,

So, bacon & egg burgers all-round. With the rolls consumed and our camp packed up it was time to think of heading home .

Once we were on our way Don, Jane, Tony & Anna peeled off to go check a nature reserve they passed on the way up, Lee, Keely, Stuart, Michelle, Naomi & myself headed home via the bakery in Toodyay. After some afternoon sustenance it was off home for the final bit.
The weekend was quite social and hopefully with what I have planned for next August we can expand on it and provide something for members to enjoy.
All the best
Richard Cooper
4WDing all tracks All Tracks 4WD Club Alltracks Alltracks 4wd club bacon camp cook dogs drive in eggs koorda