Another Sunday at Breton
Sunday 19th June 2022
Richard & Naomi – Pajero (Trip Leader)
Lin – FJ
Ozzie – BT
Graham & Monica – Patrol
Lee & Keely – Landcruiser
Stuart & Michelle – Pajero
Geoff – FJ
Trent – Perentie
Dave – Prado
These casual Sunday morning trips are becoming popular going by the turnout, upon arriving at Wilbinga Grove, we found nearly everyone waiting for us. After the obligatory yakking, we had a quick meeting. There really wasn’t too much of a plan for todays outing, other than to head up to Ledge. Once in Ledge, we headed down towards the ramp, whilst some made use of the convenience’s others went to check out the beach or should I say lack of it!
Even though the wind had dropped, there was still a huge swell running, high tide was going to be in a few hours. I had already anticipated a beach run was not going to happen today, so it was straight to plan B and head out through the south side of Ledge to get on the tracks behind the dune system.
Given we had ten vehicles along for the day, we had to go in a bit before finding an area to air-down before hitting any softer stuff.
After some goofing off, we set off along the tracks. Closer to Ledge, this track can be quite narrow and with blind corners, care is needed. Given that the weather had fined up compared to during the week, it was surprising to not run into any other 4wd’s as we headed towards the trees next to the north sand bowl. All up I think we only came across 3 or 4 other cars for the whole day.
This area just keeps on changing, the ramp up onto the north bowl from the beach is quite easy now, where as a few years back you needed a huge run up, power and traction aids to conquer it. With everyone now up on the dune it was time for the now familiar ‘Group Photo Op’.
With the imposing sky behind us it was a different scene in front of us as the last squall had blown through and it was now blue sky.
As it was still a bit gusty the group decided to keep driving south and hold off playtime until the little bit of rain had cleared. Just to the south of the other bowl I ended up on a track I hadn’t used before and found a nice short, but steep dune just after a very tight left hand turn. Given I may have not had enough momentum and I was in the wrong gear I was surprised that I managed to crawl/churn my way over the crest. All good for me, but not so good for the nine cars behind me, this gave Dave an opportunity to get his drone up, what I find interesting with All Tracks is the variety of vehicles that our club members have and how they are all set up differently. Each driver had a go and with some encouragement all were able to pull up on the other side of the dune.
After re-grouping we headed off again and came across another small, but interesting dune, after a few attempts on the harder option I backed off and went up the main track. Several others had a go at the harder side with Dave getting a bit of wheel lift on the crest, it was great to see Graham & Monica having a crack and getting over.
Once we had reached the rocky ledge on the south side of Breton Bay, it was high tide, I’m glad we didn’t attempt to come down the beach as if we had got stuck, it would have been a disaster as there was no beaches to be seen to the north of us.
With all the fluffy clouds and blue sky it had really turned into an awesome day.
After everyone had had their fresh air fix, it was time to turn around and head towards the south bowl for a bit of exploring before pulling up behind a small dune to act as a wind break. This is where we had lunch. Tomorrow was Keely’s birthday, and it just turned out, we managed to bring a nice carrot cake as a surprise for her.
After lunch, we explored more around the dunes, whilst enjoying that we had the place to ourselves.
One thing we did find is that a private track has been put in to the rear of the dunes and sand mining is happening on the eastern side, not sure if Michelle was hanging onto Stu or getting ready to push him over?
By now the general consensus was to start making our way back out to Ledge. Everyone was happy and relaxed having spent their Sunday playing in the dunes, it would still mean they were back in Perth quite early in the afternoon. We pulled up at the large car park where we usually air up. Using this area means we are not annoying the crap out of residents and we are all safely off the tracks & roads.
Everyone bid farewell with some heading off straight away and others taking their time as they weren’t in any particular rush. A big thank you to everyone who came along and I’m sure there is a place in the club’s calendar for more Sunday events as it offers diversity to fit in with members work schedules.
All the best
Richard Cooper
Check out the youtube vid from one of our members.
4WDing all tracks All Tracks 4WD Club Alltracks Alltracks 4wd club australia Breton Bay Breton Bay WA carrot cake ledge point weber