Camp Cook Off 2024

Camp Cook Off 2024

August 31, 2024 Club Magazine 0

Camp Cookers and Eaters

Dave F – Prado

Simon, Di, Lindsay & Kyan – Cannon

Lin – FJ

Tony – FJ

Richard and Naomi – Paj

Rob M – Old Tractor

Penny & Spence – 76 LC

Well, it’s that time of the year, All Tracks Camp Cookoff Competition. I think this is my 4th or 5th time running the competition, and without fail, like every other year, it rained. Lucky for the shelter really, and for the a couple tarps, to create walls, protecting us from the wind and rain.

Di had decided to take herself for a little walk, all the way down to the river and back

The rain had eventually “paused” for a while, giving us time to really get the fire going, making this the start time for the camp cook off.

As usual, the competitors were furious, nah not really, everyone was just happy to be out and about, camping and cooking.

Lets introduce the competitors and their chosen delicacy.

Penny and Spence – Fajita

Simon & Kyan – Pita Pizza

Richard & Naomi – Toad in the Hole

Dave – Roast Lamb Rolls (not a competitor)

Tony – Beef Reng Deng

Lin – Minestrone Soup

Rob – Camp Beef Stew


and while that’s happening, the rest of us get too….

and not long after, meals were ready and dished out.

Now, its time for the serious part of the completion. The Judging

3rd prize goes to…… Penny, for cooking Fatija, 3rd prize is………….about 100 expired RAT tests.

2nd prize goes to… Richard and Naomi, for cooking Toad in the hole, 2nd prize is……180 expired RAT tests.

1st prize goes to…….Tony, for cooking Beef Reng Deng, 1st prize is ……….280 expired RAT tests.

With the competition over, it was time for more wood to be thrown onto the fire and for the rain to start again. But we shall not be dampened by this. That’s why an umbrella is a worthy investment.

With heavy rains throughout the night, we woke up to a pleasant morning, right until we got mobbed, by ‘a mob of emus’

Eventually packed away, I lead the first group of fellow campers out to the main road. With our final good bye stop, we made our way home.

Thank you to those that weathered the weather and made this another successful cook off.

Story by Dave F.

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