Exploring Brunswick for more tracks, July 2024

Exploring Brunswick for more tracks, July 2024

August 4, 2024 Club Magazine 0


Dave & Emma – Prado – TL

Rob – Suzi – TEC

Kelvin – Paj – Guest

Shane – Triton – Kiwi Fella

Well, it comes as no surprise really, a trip down south, starting at a bakery, and with quite a few trips down this direction recently, the Harvey Bakery has been on display alot.

The plan for this trip, was to explore more tracks, and revisit some tracks.

And to continue exploring the areas, from a trip we did last year. On this trip, we did just that. We explored a track that last year, we turned around on. With a few U turns expected, we kept on exploring.

Arriving into Brunswick, right by the main road, we found this little track. Checking my maps, I have never driven this one, so lets go!

This was our air down point before setting off.

Overall, this was a nice and easy going track, with a few small puddles, it was a nice track, until it wasn’t. We crossed over onto another track, which required a little look see.

This was a first U turn for the day, and I’m glad we did. We reversed out of it, detoured around, which eventually took us to the bottom of this hill, showing some nice deep ruts. No problems if you have big tyres and a big lifted 4wd, which we don’t.

We continued on, entering the real forestry part of Brunswick. Looks like they have done some tree logging, since the last time we were here. We arrived at a part of the track, whilst I’ve been here so many times, the whole area looked so different. Arriving at a rutted out track, Rob reminded me of the route we took last year.

Pressing on, we were nearby a track we tried to explore last year. Last years attempt was a fail. With mud and mud and a little bit of mud on top. Last year we turned around on this track but this year, we started at the very bottom of the track, and made it up with ease. At the top, we were met with some bike riders. This lucky or unlucky lady, she had a back operation a while back, and this was her 4th time falling off her bike. We helper her up, and she was off.

After lunch, we continued on, revisiting a track from last year where we did a U turn. This year we were able to push onwards.

Which lead to more ruts.

Which lead to a blocked track, via a fallen tree. We tried to negotiate around this tree, but one of the guys got caught between 2 tree. Slipping sideways a bit, we was unable to drive backwards nor forwards. We opted to pull him out, using his winch……..which went up in smoke, literally. Shane pulled out his winch, and from behind, via a pulley block, managed to pull the stuck car out.

This track joined up to a track we have driven lots in the past. And that track may stay as “used in the past”, as it was a deep massive hole. With all the excitement, even the ‘locals’ living near by, came to check on us.

With an expected storm front on the approach, we quickly made a U turn, our camp site for tonight, was an awesome spot we found last year. This spot was quite protected from the winds.

For tonight’s dinner, we are relying on lots of hot coals. Pulling out the wood that we brought with us, it was time to get the fire going and then relax. And yes, we were fighting with the elements, a very light shower or 6 passed through.

Throughout the night, it rained lots, fortunately, everyone stayed dry. The ground was very wet.

In the morning, packing up, we made our way out, destination – home. We did have a few more ruts to negotiate on the way out, but overall, it was a wet drive out.

A big thanks to everyone that came out on this trip, and also a thanks to my niece, as this was her first time out 4wding and bush camping.

Story by Dave.

Below is a little Youtube vid from this trip.

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