Future Trips

If you wish to attend a trip/event you MUST contact the TRIP LEADER directly and advise them. That way they know of your intentions.

MonthDay DateDestinationGeneral AreaMeeting PlaceMeeting GPS
(decimal degrees)
Meet timeDeparture TimeTrip LeaderDetailsTrip Rating
SEPSat-Mon28-30thFish CreekD'Entecasteaux NPPemberton Tourist Centre34.44577 S, 116.03271 E10.00am10.30amDave F. 0424 627 831Long Weekend trip to the south coast, will need a Parks Pass! 2-3
OCTSat-Sun5-6thBreton BayBreton Bay (south of Ledge Point)Wilbinga Grove, Indian Ocean Dve31.37228 S, 115.62124 E10.00am10.30amRichard 0407 689 708It's time to head back to beach, I'll be planning an overnighter for those who wish to camp.2
OCTTue15thGeneral MeetingKingsleyRoger & Karen's, 22 Willesden Ave, Kingsley7.30pmCommittee
OCTSat19thNE of WannerrooMuchea/ High Hill / S Bend by nightMuchea Playground, McKenzie St, Muchea31.57820 S, 115.97369 E2.00pm2.30pmSean 0414 303 095 Arvo exploring the area & evening to have BBQ to finish off at S Bend3
OCTSat or Sun26 or 27thClean up, outside of Powerlines scopeWandoo The Lakes Roadhouse cnr Gt Eastern & Gt Southern Hwy's31.87533 S, 116.32035 EtbaRichard 0407 689 708Couple of areas just outside of Powerlines scope that need attention. Have offered to help Parks & Wildlife sort out. Will need 4 - 5 utes/trailers.2
NOVSat2ndSouthern BeachesWhite HillMiami Bakehouse, 609 Old Coast Rd, Falcon32.58102 S, 115.66304 E9.30am10.00amDave F. 0424 627 831Beach drive, fish, swim, BBQ, relax. Weather dependant trip.2-3
NOVFri-Sun8-10thPerth 4WD showAll Tracks contact point. Richard 0407 689 708Info will be supplied to volunteer drivers as soon as I have it.1
NOVWed13thTRIP PLANNING MEETINGRoger & Karen's, 22 Willesden Ave, Kingsley7.30pmRichard 0407 689 708Night for planning of future trips/events1
NOVTue19thGeneral MeetingKingsleyRoger & Karen's, 22 Willesden Ave, Kingsley7.30pmCommittee1
JANSat11thSocial Kayaking/BBQGarrat Road Bridge Parkend of Milne St, Bayswater31.93078 S, 115.91735 E3 ish Richard 0407 689 708Kayaking in river. BYO dinner/bbq, chair/rug1
APREaster Hols 10-13thHelena & Aurora RangeNE of KoolyanobbingtbcMatt 0409 779 918Easter Trip2-4
MID 2020tbcArnhem LandBit of the top part of countryRoger & KarenProposed at this time, if your interested please contact Roger & Karen.→ 4 R