A word from… The President
G’day everyone,
Whoa, where did the year go? I am sure I’m not alone in wondering if time really can fly; hopefully all our members have taken the time to do something positive this year and as 2020 comes in they can look forward to more good times.
As a club I would like to think the past year has met our members’ needs and we can continue to build on what it is that we do. We certainly have had a lot of events/outings over the last twelve months, and looking forward on the calendar I do not see any change to this. I would like to sincerely thank each and every member who has undertaken to lead trips both in the past and in the future. Without you we do not have a club, as we are after all a 4WD club and getting out should be our key focus.
Over the warmer summer months we need to be that little bit more mindful of our environment, how we are impacting it, and more importantly how it could be impacting us. The recent fires originating in Yanchep are a prime example. Although to date it has been ruled as non-arson related, I have heard rumours that it is believed a discarded cigarette butt may have started it (given where the fire started I would believe this). Our volunteer & career firies have done an awesome job trying to save lives and properties given the catastrophic conditions. Unfortunately, the immediate destruction of so much flora & fauna will have a lasting impact, so, in future months if you do need to traverse an area that has been fire effected please stick to original formed tracks and do not drive on barren areas. These areas are going to take ages to revegetate and preventing further damage needs to be a priority. I also wish to remind people to make themselves aware of the different levels of alerts and warnings there are, and more importantly where to find them. Even though there can be widespread publication of warnings it would still seem (going by social media) that some people think that it doesn’t apply to them.
To finish up on a positive note, please enjoy yourself over the festive break and try to get away if you can. If possible spend time with people that mean something to you and let your loved ones know that you do love them.
All the best,