East of Armadale with the All Tracks 4WD Club.

East of Armadale with the All Tracks 4WD Club.

October 11, 2020 Club Magazine 0

 Saturday 10/10/2020.

List of attendees in no specific order.

Simon and Jacob, Perentie.

Peter and Malou, Land Cruiser.

Jacob, Jimny.

Matt, Pajero.

Mitchell, Naomi and Richard, Pajero.

Penny and Spence, Jimny.

Lin, FJ Cruiser.

Stuart, Prado (Guest)

Michael, Ranger (Guest)

Trent, Perentie 6×6 (Guest)

The day started at McDonalds Armadale. A number of attendees made use of the available caffein. This trip was taken from the book 15 day trips around Perth, and it was graded as a nice country drive. The turn out was great with a total of 15 people in ten cars.

The turn off for the track is about 65 kilometres down Albany Highway and only two kilometres from North bannister.

We set off and heading south along the highway and turned off into Wearne Road. Once off the highway we aired down and set off along a beautiful forest track.  As described in the book the area has an abundance of wildflowers and we were not disappointed as there was a carpet of colour.

The track was in fairly good condition with a few puddles here and there for the drivers to wet their tyres. But there is always one who has to try the “big puddle”. Trent in his 6×6 ex army Perentie decided he wanted to give a big puddle a go. Personally I called it a mud bath but he insisted on giving it a crack.

Thankfully the little brother the 4×4 ex army Perentie was on hand to pull him out. Once free he took an alternate route but alas he got stuck again and another quick pull to rescue him again and we set off again.

It was now close to lunch time so we stopped to recount the recoveries and have a coffee and sandwich in a beautiful clearing off to the side of the track.

The book I was using for the trip notes uses the trip meter in the car for the distance between turns. If you use these distances be careful as they don’t always correspond with the ones in your car. If you have ever driven an old land Rover you will understand.

The second leg of the journey was also very scenic with no hard sections of track. Although as previously noted don’t just rely on the trip notes as we missed a turn and ended up about 15 kilometres off course.

This was not a drama so we turned around and followed Canning River Road north and then onto Leonie Road which was also not too difficult and as beautifully scenic. At the intersection with the powerlines track we turned and followed them back towards Brookton Highway where we aired up the tyres and headed home.

I would like to thank all of you who attended and made my job of trip leader an enjoyable if sometimes stressful occurrence.

Photo gallery courtesy of Naomi, Richard, Simon

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