Karridale – Jun 2021

Karridale – Jun 2021

July 7, 2021 Club Magazine 0

Penny and Spence: FJCruiser

Dave: Prado

Ivo and Lucy: Landcruiser

Shane: Triton

Gary, Claire: 80 series

David and Megan: Patrol

This was very much a social weekend, not too much driving, but some fishing and an excellent effort burning Spence’s entire wood pile and more.  The rain interrupted us occasionally, but we huddled under Dave’s gazebo and kept mostly dry.  The main group arrived Friday evening.  The wood was pretty wet, so we settled for a fire in the barrel, put some meat on the BBQ and had a quiet evening chatting.

Saturday morning a group went off down Bob’s track fishing, while others went for a walk.  In the afternoon it was time to get the fire going.  It may have taken some effort (fuel / blowers) to start it burning it but it was well worth it.  At one point Spence had to go off with the tractor to fetch more wood from down the block.

Penny’s mum came to visit and had a wonderful time talking to the club members.  Thanks for making her feel so welcome guys – she really enjoyed herself.  (She is a very lively 91 years young)

The cruisy day left time for cuddling the new puppy, and learning how to use an axe.

Gary and Claire cooked dinner on the fire, while the rest had an excellent meal at the Karridale Tavern. 

Then we all sat round the fire again! There really is no limit to how many times you can sit round a fire with good company and you never run out of stuff to talk about, trips to reminisce about or plan, vehicles, or parts of vehicles to criticise or envy, or just general rubbish.

And a very impressive fire it was, particularly with the mandatory Mystical Fire colours.  During the night it rained very heavily but every time it stopped the fire would struggle to life again, and was still going when we got up in the morning!

On Sunday, Dave and Shane had to leave, but we had a quick drive first, up to the lookout and down the beautiful Boranup drive, before leaving the cars and walking up a track to look for the ruins of the old wood mill

.  On arriving at the location, we found that we could have driven in, as it is now the site of the Jarradene camping spot. 

We checked out the old rails and ruins for a while, then Shane, Gary and Dave went exploring a bit before returning.

In the afternoon we explored the rest of the Karridale block, finding various treasures of skulls, bones and wasp nests.

Shane and Dave left, and David and Megan arrived for another evening sitting round the fire chatting, before leaving for home Monday morning.

Check out the Club Youtube video of this awesome trip

Click on the image to see the video


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