Mundaring Powerlines Oct 2023
Participants in no particular order
Dave F -120 Prado (TL)
Ivo – LJ shorty
Gary – 80 series
Ray, Marie, Jake, Lukas – Paj (G)
Adam – 80 series (G)
Rob H – Vitara
Richard & Naomi – Paj (TEC)
Lin – FJ
Podge – 90 Prado
Simon & Jacob – Perentie
The old Mundaring Powerlines, a place I haven’t been to in quite a while, and what a great place to go when you have some new/inexperienced members to the 4WD world, a world of money and modifications. As some of you may know, if you hold the Shift key down while entering 4X4, it equals $X$.
With support from other All Tracks members, we met up at the Powerlines track, where we ran a little 4wd basics training day. From how to hold a steering wheel, to driving ruts.
Moving on, we negotiated our way through, eventually reaching a section with deep ruts, whilst being deep in the trenches. Simon and Gary were the only 2 to give this section ago.
With everyone having had a great time, we pressed on. Simon did make a call out over the radio, asking for a morning tea stop, but by now, we were only about 5 mins away for our planned lunch stop destination, so we just pushed on…
… and eventually making it to Flat Rock for lunch.
With lunch out of the way, we proceeded forwards, passing the fence line track and eventually arriving at the water crossing. Oh boy, this section of the track has certainly gotten a lot wider since I was last here, more and more chicken tracks have been created, from people unable to pass or those not wanting to drive through the deep mud holes. But, it was a perfect lesson for those learning to 4wd and how to check the ruts before crossing them. Rob managed to find a clean chicken track around, while some others used some of the other options.
Don’t worry, a snatch blanket was fitted, we were still setting up here.
After making a muddy mess, we managed to find a little spot to do a very basic talk about winching. Thanks to Lin, who needed to respool her winch anyway, this was the prime time to do (what most men can’t do), was 2 things as once.
Eventually reaching the main road, we aired up before heading home.
A big thanks to everyone that came, and helped support the training day, for those newer 4wders, they went home with a little more knowledge, whilst we all had fun.
Story by Dave F.
4WDing All Tracks 4WD Club Alltracks Alltracks 4wd club bogged clay mud mundaring Mundaring Powerlines powerlines Powerlines track Mundaring ruts stuck training day water Winch