A word from…the Editor | Feb-Mar 2019
As always, getting the Triton dirty is essential, although at the moment it seems that the dirt on it is left over from trips last year. As a FIFO the benefit with an even time roster is a lot of time at home, the catch sometimes you have to be at work when you’d rather not be, and Christmas last year was spent amidst a heat wave exceeding a week of days none less than 43 degrees a long way from home. A world away from central Australia here in the west, the best trip post Christmas for the club is always Wellington Dam and a small group enjoyed a few days down there in weather conditions milder than have been experienced in previous years. This trip is always worth the effort as the location is relatively isolated and moderately difficult to get to making it ideal for a quiet getaway.
Our calendar has been brimming with great activities, and since the last issue we have had trips East of Armadale, down to Wellington Dam, social kayaking and BBQ at Matilda Bay, a couple of short notice runs out to Julimar, and a couple of reccys out and about for trips coming up soon. The point is there’s always something going on somewhere most weekends with our club, and quarterly trip planning meetings ensure our calendar remains well stocked.
Beyond the usual plethora of weekend trips on offer, 2019 has some cracking good longer trips planned, and an insight into what Penny, Spence and Dave have planned up north can be found later in this issue.
While it’s not dirt, I did manage to get the Triton bogged up at Lancelin last weekend and a windy day ensured a fair bit of sand came back with me. It’s a “soft” start to my year 4WDing, but I know everything is still working. Bring on the harder stuff!
Hope everyone had a happy and safe end to 2018 and that 2019 is looking good so far. See you out there somewhere. Sean.