Exploring Harvey, 12th November 2022
Don & Jane GU Nissan Patrol (trip leader)
Rob Toyota Prado
Simon & Diane Land rover
Derek & Leanne Hilux (guests)
Joel & Taylor Suzuki Serria
Alek GQ Patrol (guest)
Roger 76 Land Cruiser (tail)
Planned by Joel and recci by Joel, Don, Jane and Roger, this trip was rated at a 4 and it lived up to our expectations. I was a little bit concerned that we had 3 new guests and two vehicles coming and I hoped that they would be ok and not be put off by the drive. We left Harvey with an overcast sky. I did think we might get some rain; it never did. We quickly left the sealed road and changed to a corrugated gravel road. A short time later this changed to red clay where we all stopped and dropped tyre pressures ready to start the drive. The challenges began immediately and some serious thought was needed to find a way through the “funky angles”. (Thanks, Simon, for that description.)
After a small creek crossing there was a narrow uphill winding track with deep ruts, encroaching branches, and offset holes. Fallen trees with alternate tracks skirting them added to the challenge. One large fallen log demanded a tight turn around it. Some of the tree bark was nudged off by passing cars and some is lodged between the rim and the tyre. This was followed by more ruts.
It was about this point that the power steering on the Patrol stopped working. So often you do not value something until you lose it. I have a new regard for Simon and Trent who manage all their four-wheel driving without such modern aids. (Jane)
Morning tea in a small clearing was a welcome break to let the heart rate slow and check the visitors were still smiling. All good so far.
A downhill track provided more challenges including a staked tyre (destroyed); a tyre change followed and everybody pitched in.
Thanks guys, especially Rob who remembered to bring the battery-operated rattle gun and Joel who operated the jack while everyone else found reasons not too, amid much banter.
A large perentie lizard provided additional interest along the way.
The fence line track is long, steep and deeply rutted. It is a slow grind to the top but we enjoyed the great views while we munched on our lunch.
Now for the slippery downhill drive into Squatters. Unfortunately, the old Squatter’s site is no longer a nice place camp as too many fallen trees litter the camp. The turn onto the Squatter’s camp was interesting as a series of dips that demanded accurate wheel placement and a number of trees growing in inconvenient places led to the need of much manoeuvring to avoid the bog holes.
Some decided it would be easier to go through the bog holes and found them unforgiving.
Another track was tried without any success and another recce will be required at some time to find the track that meanders through a series of streams. The only point of interest on this track were the emu and three chicks.
Unlike the Perentie they were unwilling to stop for photos. They were also unwilling to leave the track and choose to run in front of the convoy. After Squatters, the track along the fence line, provided still more challenges beginning with another longer and steeper drive up hill. On the recce with on road tyre pressure the Patrol and the ’79 struggled. No problems for anyone this time.
As we neared the end of the trip, Joel provided entertainment and a photo opportunity when the Suk slid into a small but deep mud hole. It was a very bogged Suzuki.
The guests were happy and interested for more adventures.
“The trip had a bit of everything”, Simon.
Story by Don
4WDing all tracks All Tracks 4WD Club Alltracks Alltracks 4wd club bogged mud stake tree tyre