A word from… the Editor | Aug-Sept 2019

A word from… the Editor | Aug-Sept 2019

September 30, 2019 Club Magazine Editors Report 0

Like Richard, it’s been a couple of months since I have had to put some thoughts in print. As Richard has already mentioned, the more members who get actively involved, the more diverse the activities that are run can be; this sentiment runs true too as much for content in the calendar as it does for content in our club magazine.

Getting involved

On getting involved, as the calendar identifies, the number of future trips thins out, however the last trip planning meeting on the 14th August had a regular few in attendance. This regular band of members who take the time on a busy week night to have input into these evenings, do keep some padding in this calendar, however even those of us who are regulars at trip planning eventually run out of ideas.

The scope of what we can do doesn’t need to be limited to four wheel driving, it’s just great having a 4WD that can get us to places that the masses in their SUVs cannot get to. As a collective group, the scope of where we can meet up, isn’t always limited to the bush land and coastal regions of WA. A few of the articles in this issue highlight how far away (from home) friendships formed in our club can cross paths.

Due to working FIFO, one event I couldn’t attend was the AGM. Richards words “for the most part the previous committee was voted back in”, isn’t necessarily a positive. There are regular members who always put their hand up, and we do because (and it’s not too strong a way to express this) we genuinely love this club and the people in it, but it would be nice to see a bit more interest from other members. And this is well beyond just nominating for a committee position.

Help with identifying possible trips (short notice reccys like Shane and I did into the Avon Valley recently), running trips, contributing stories and pictures to this magazine. A lot of these things do not take up inordinate amounts of time, but do and will add to the diversity of what we can do.

The regulars!

Beyond this, what is a huge positive is the input from members since the last magazine. There are a couple of sizeable stories to enjoy reading. Dave’s camper keeps popping up, and there are a few short stories too. Quite a few trips have come and gone without trip reports or photos so I hope this prompts some write-ups (Brunswick, Wilbinga, Ballingup for example).

Lastly, I am going to put in a big “high five” for Simon D. Always grinning like a Cheshire Cat piloting his ex-Australian Army Landrover Perente, Simon is running trips, and writing up trips. With help from son Jacob, they’ve got a great YouTube channel, and willing regulars on his trips like Dave and Matt with video camera’s and a drone, compiling excellent videos of these adventures too. Thanks to all of you.

As always, I look forward to seeing you out there somewhere. Sean.


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