Camp Cook Off, no 3 – Attempt 2, July 2022

Camp Cook Off, no 3 – Attempt 2, July 2022

July 22, 2022 Club Magazine 0

Attending in no particular order

Dave and Cindy – Prado (TL)

Richard and Naomi – Paj

Lin – FJ

Zeljko – FJ (guest)

Shane and Emily – Triton

Matt – Paj

Tony and Anna – Ranger

Simon and Jacob – Perentie – (TEC)

Finally, we had a our cook off. Sadly the first attempt had to be cancelled due to my funny cough. Never mind, attempt 2 was successful.

The meeting point for this social trip was the open area across the road from the Chequers hotel. One by one, everyone arrived, our little trip meeting was had, and we were off.

Click on the image to see our short video, driving through the bush while avoiding roos and puddles.

The drive through Lower Chittering is always a spectaular one.

The views are great, it gives you the sense of openness, as if you have left the city behind, and you’re being welcomed into the bush.

Arriving into camp, our priorities were set; set up camp and start the fire.

Sadly, Naomi had to leave us for a short time, so most of us used this time (before cooking) to head down to the river for a look to see how high the Avon River was flowing.

Click on the images below to see some short clips, where we tackle a small rut.

The overall drive down to the river was relatively easy, I was surprised as to how high the river was, the highest I’ve seen it. Granted, it’s still very low considering the Avon Descent Boat Rally runs through here, you can see the high tide marks against the rocks.

The return drive to camp was uneventful, and with the day moving on, prepping for the “My Kitchen Rules – Bush edition” was on.

Let the preparation begin

The Cooking

Of course, the “relaxing” or “sit down by the fire”

Finally, the cooking was finished, preparing the meals to share

Sorry, no pictures of the final presentation, the great Chef’s produced some great foods, there was no time for the camera.

For dessert, Cindy had made an Orange and Almond self saucing pudding and vanilla custard. The Orange and Almond pudding recipe was found by randomly searching the web for ideas, and with no trial runs at home, this first time experiment was a great success.

Shortly after, it was time to find All Tracks My Bush Kitchen Rules Master Chef. Bit of paper was handed around, where everyone selected what they thought was the best meal.

3rd prize goes to Zeljko, for his camp made Pumpkin Soup
2nd prizes goes to Lin for her Street Taco’s
1st prize goes to Shane and Emily for their Rissole’s and salad.

With the fire stoked, it was now time to relax by the fire… no wait, that didn’t happen. It’s movies night! A projector and screen was set up, and while everyone found a good viewing spot in front of the screen, Zeljko used this time to set up his stretcher and swag for a “movie in bed”. A family friendly movie was chosen, A.X.L., which was enjoyed by everybody.

The weather for Saturday was perfect, no rain, just pure sunshine. According to the BOM website, rain was forecasted for 7am, Sunday morning. This must have been Australian Eastern Standard Time, as it started to rain at 5am on the dot.

While most people took shelter during the rain, this emu was happy to take a shower.

Slowly Slowly, between the breaks in the rain, breakfast was had, and our camp packed away.

A big thanks to everyone for making this another successful gathering, looking forward to the next one.

Story by Dave

Click on the image to see the “Announcing of the winners” video.


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