What turned out to be a popular favourite on the AllTracks Trip Calender was the social golf day at Supa Golf in Henley Brook WA. Organised by Secretary Penny Cookson on what turned out to be a glorious sunny day in the Swan Valley 12 club members demonstrated their skills over 9 holes with oversize golf balls, 4 club buggy’s in a fun social setting.
The fairways were in magnificent condition with well-cut greens and surrounded by beautiful bush and eucalypt trees plus the occasional dreaded sand trap. Hole lengths varied between 38 m and 181 m with pars from 3 to 5 strokes. 3 groups of 4 were promptly assembled and tee-off began on hole 10 just before 10: 30 am.

The show got under way with some members taking a few ‘practice’ swings before finally connecting clubs with balls – warmups or perhaps just part of the tactics? Swings and techniques generally improved with each successive hole.

The competitive nature of some members lifted as the sun rose and the holes ticked over. Some impressive strokes were played but were typically punctuated with more modest hits and giggles encouraged by the laughing kookaburras.
Scoring was a bit tricky as there were rumours that some members seem to record 6 strokes on the card when more were actually played – no names. Playing the 9 holes took around 1.5 hours and was a lot of fun. Many members suggested that there should be another similar event at a future date. For the stats the unverified results were:

Team 1 – Spence, Penny, Dave/Cindy and Tony (196 strokes)
Team 2 – Keith, Kathy, Naomi and Richard (215 strokes)
Team 3 – Malou, Karen, Peter and Rodger (236 strokes with prorata for some missed holes)
Tony had the best card score of 44 strokes versus 35 course par – handicapped next time
The judge’s decision is final
Everybody retired to the adjacent Mash Brewery for lunch and further debate over the best team on the day. Was a great club social trip – no wrong turns, no bogs and no recoveries.

Ps – can recommend the Mash Brewery squid and chips with a pint of Copy Cat XPA
Story by Peter F.
4WDing All Tracks 4WD Club Alltracks Alltracks 4wd club golf mash mash brewery.brewery supa golf