Australia Day weekend at Karridale, Jan 2024

Penny and Spence – 200 series LC, Alex and Diana – 300 series LC , Ivo and Lucy – 76 series LC, Russell and Caroline – 79 series LC, Shaun – Triton, Shane and Jaxson – Prado, Wilco and Silvia – Lexus, Gary and Clare and boys – 80 series LC, Lee and Keeley – 80 series LC, Simon and Diane and Jacob – GWM Cannon, Michelle – Mitsubishi Pajero, Dave and Cindy – Prado, Don and Jane – Patrol, Roger and Karen – 76 series LC, Burgo and Sue – 200 series LC

The weekend was always meant to be relaxed and people could arrive when they were able to get away from Perth. However, when we got in on Thursday lunch time, I was surprised to see so many All Tracks members already set up and sitting back enjoying an early start for a long weekend . The rest of the day was fairly chilled and people just kept arriving.

Friday saw the group doing a variety of different things some went swimming, and others went on sight-seeing trips to places like Bobs Track, Conto’s, North Point etc.

Myself, Karen, Shane and Jaxson called in to see Bill and Crystl – some other club members who live close by. Friday night saw a group play a card game that quickly showed who could keep a straight face and who couldn’t – poor Diane lost big time!
Bill (navigator) and Roger lead a trip down Adelaide Road starting at the top Northern end for six vehicles. We hadn’t done the track for quite a few years or a recent recce but as it was dry we thought it wouldn’t be too difficult for most of the club members. In reality, the track is quite easy but does pose a challenge at various stages, even in the dry it would be very different to when it is wet, this is when some of the holes would be a real challenge and a threat to the inexperienced or unprepared, because some of the ruts and drops offs are significant, but would make a very interesting winter trip.

Shane and Alex pulled out half way as Jaxson needed to get home for a sleep – he was finding it hard to sleep while being thrown around in the car. The rest of the convoy continued on. Roger got out of the car at one point and fell in a hole and later found he broke two bones in his foot.
The other groups thoroughly enjoyed their time diving or doing some sight seeing around Augusta and the coast. Lots of photos have been attached.

Penny and Spence took Jaxson, Shane and myself (Karen) for a walk down to the back of their block which was good to see. We had a quiet day while Roger continued to rest his foot and keep it in ice. Saturday night was much quieter as many were having an early start on Sunday.
Sunday morning saw many people leaving before breakfast to beat the bulk of the traffic back to Perth and all of a sudden the property was looking a lot more empty.
Monday morning saw Shane and ourselves pack up and head home.

Thank you again to Penny and Spence for your exceptional hospitality and I know everyone had a terrific time.
Roger and Karen.
Click below to see a Youtube vid of our great weekend.